Java vs Python: What should you learn in 2023
Java vs Python: What should you learn in 2023

Java vs Python: What should you learn in 2023

Java and Python are two of the most popular programming languages in 2023. In this article on Java vs Python, we will discuss different metrics such as performance, speed, and features to compare Java and Python programming language.

The Java Programming Language

Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It is class-based, and has a syntax similar to C and C++, but is simpler and more object-oriented. Java is designed to be platform-independent, meaning that programs written in Java can run on any operating system that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This makes it a popular choice for developing web applications, mobile applications, and enterprise software.

Java is used extensively in the development of enterprise applications, web applications, and mobile applications. It is also used to create games and other graphical programs. Java is also used in embedded systems, such as those found in consumer electronics and industrial automation. Java is an object-oriented language that makes use of classes and objects to create complex applications. It also supports various programming paradigms such as procedural, functional, and event-driven. Java is a popular language for developing applications because of its scalability and portability. You can use it to create applications that run on a variety of devices, from desktops to mobile devices. Java is also secure and is used to create applications that must be secure and reliable.

The Python Programming Language

Python is an object-oriented, high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and was first released in 1991. Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace. Unlike Java or C++, yu don’t need curly braces to create different code blocks in Python. Tabs and whitespace will do the job for you.

Python provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional, and procedural. It also has a large and comprehensive standard library. Python is often described as a “batteries included” language due to its comprehensive collection of standard python libraries.

Python was designed to be highly readable, making it easier to learn and use than many other programming languages. Its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. Itprovides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale.

Now that we have an overview of both Java and Python programming languages, let us dive into the discussion on Java vs Python.

Java vs Python: Advantages of Java over Python Programming Language

Both Python and Java programming languages are built for different use cases and have many advantages above each other. Let us first discuss the advantages of Java over Python.

  • Java is more widely used and has a larger community of developers, making it easier to find help and resources online. Java has been used extensively to create software applications in the last two decades.
  • Java is faster than Python due to its superior compiled nature and lack of dynamic typing, allowing for quicker execution times when running large programs.
  • Java offers better security than Python as it does not allow direct memory access and provides an inbuilt garbage collector that can help clean up unused objects from the system’s memory, reducing potential vulnerabilities in the system.
  • Java is a statically typed language meaning that all variable declarations must include their data types before they get assigned any value. This helps the compiler catch type mismatch errors at early stages during the compilation process itself resulting in quicker bug detection time compared to python which is a dynamically typed language. Python allows variable declarations without specifying type upfront leading to potential bugs getting introduced at later stages leading to longer debugging cycles.
  • Java also provides strong static typing capabilities through generics enabling users to create generic classes or methods containing certain functionality applicable across various data types instead writing separate implementations of types of specific data types each time saving them a lot of coding effort and ultimately leading to cost savings associated with long-term maintenance-related activities.
  • .Java offers better performance compared to python due to improved garbage collection mechanisms present within the language itself resulting in fewer memory leaks while executing programs written using java compared same programs written using python hence making it a great choice for developing high-performance real-time applications requiring the highest level of scalability.
  • When it comes to error handling, Java offers better exception-handling mechanisms compared with Python since most errors related to syntax and variable declarations are handled at compile time rather than run time. This helps reduce bugs significantly and facilitates a better development lifecycle for your project.

Suggested Reading: Create a Simple Server using SimpleHTTPServer in Python

Java vs Python: Advantages of Python Over Java

Now that we have discussed the advantages of Java over python, let us discuss the advantages of Python over Java.

  • Python is much simpler and more concise than Java, making it easier to read and write code. You can learn python very easily due to its English-like syntax.
  • Python has a shorter development time compared to Java due to its simple syntax and dynamic typing.
  • Python supports multiple programming paradigms such as functional, procedural, object-oriented, and imperative programming styles, while Java only supports procedural and object-oriented programming styles.
  • Python is dynamically typed so there’s no need to declare variables before using them unlike in Java where you have to declare a variable before using it which makes debugging difficult in some cases, especially when dealing with large applications written in java.
  • Python libraries are more versatile when compared with those available for Java thus allowing developers more flexibility when developing their applications. For example, many AI applications can now be developed quickly using popular frameworks like TensorFlow due to the availability of various libraries for performing different tasks efficiently within a relatively short amount of time.
  • If we consider domains like machine learning, data analytics, or data science, Java is nowhere close to python. Python has an extensive collection of libraries like pyspark, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn, TensorFlow, etc. These libraries are curated for machine learning, data analysis, and data visualization tasks. Thus, Python is best for machine learning, data science, data visualization, etc. Forget Java, no language comes even close to Python in this domain.
  • Finally, python has become one of the most popular languages among software engineers due to its versatility, availability of libraries, and robustness which allows developers to create complex yet powerful applications quickly without spending too much time coding from scratch.

Java vs Python Performance

Performance-wise, Java is generally faster and more efficient than Python. Java has a better speed, which makes it a better choice for applications that require faster performance, such as mobile applications and web-based applications. Java code runs faster than Python code because Java is compiled while Python is interpreted. Additionally, Java is statically typed, so it performs type-checking at compile time, while Python is dynamically typed, so it performs type-checking at run time.

Java vs Python Salary

Both Java and Python can help you fetch huge paychecks. If you want to compare the salaries of Java vs Python programmers, you wouldn’t get a clear winner. This is due to the reason that Java and Python are used extensively in the industry but for different use cases.

If we consider software engineers, Java programmers will have an edge over python programmers due to experience. However, Python is extensively used by data scientists and machine learning engineers. Overall, The median salary of Python programmers in 2022 is $105,000 whereas Java programmers have a median salary of $95,000. Thus, if you are comparing java vs python on salary, Python is the winner with a nearly $10,000 higher median salary in 2022.

Java vs Python: What Should You Learn in 2023?

  • If you want to get into software engineering especially mobile app development, Java is the go-to language and is far ahead of python.
  • In domains like backend web development, although Java and Python both have dedicated libraries, I suggest you learn Java as it provides extensive frameworks, database integration tools, etc that will help you create great backend APIs that are fast and efficient.
  • If you want to get into data science, machine learning, or data analytics in 2023, learning python should be your first choice. As discussed earlier, Python has a treasure of libraries for these domains and you will find it very easy to make your way into the domain as a successful data scientist or machine learning engineer.


In this article, we had a discussion on Java vs Python and what one should learn in 2023. I hope you enjoyed reading this article. To learn more about python programming, you can read this article on command line arguments in Python. You might also like this article on Python Indexing.

Stay tuned for more informative articles. Happy Learning!

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